CCCA Canadian Art Database

Birth Year: 1954

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Heap of Birds

First Name: Heap of Birds

Last Name: (Edgar Hachivi)

Biography (English): Edgar Heap of Birds has studied at the University of Kansas, Lawrence (BFA, 1976), undertaken graduate studies at the Royal College of Art, London (1977) and attended the Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia (MFA, 1979). He was named USA Ford Fellow in 2012 and Distinguished Alumni, University of Kansas, in 2014. Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts and Letters degrees have been awarded by the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston (2008), Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada (2017), and California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, (2018). In 2020, Heap of Birds was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as a member of the Humanities & Arts class, with a specialty in Visual Arts. Heap of Birds has served as visiting lecturer in London, England; Western Samoa; Chiang Mai and Bangkok, Thailand; Johannesburg, South Africa; Barcelona, Spain; Belfast, Northern Ireland; Norrkoping, Sweden; Hararre, Zimbabwe; Verona, Italy; Adelaide, Australia; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Singapore; and Delhi and Vijayawada, India. He has taught at Yale University, Rhode Island School of Design and at the University of Oklahoma. He is retired from teaching at the University of Oklahoma after 30 years of service and is now Professor Emeritus in the Native American Studies Department. Professor Heap of Birds’ seminars explored contemporary Native American art issues within the visual arts, film, and museums on local, national, and international levels. The artists’ works are in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; and the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, among many others.

Biography (French): Edgar Heap of Birds a étudié à l'Université du Kansas à Lawrence (BFA, 1976), a entrepris des études supérieures au Royal College of Art de Londres (1977) et a fréquenté la Tyler School of Art de Philadelphie (MFA, 1979). Il a été nommé USA Ford Fellow en 2012 et Distinguished Alumni de l'Université du Kansas en 2014. Des doctorats honorifiques en beaux-arts et en lettres ont été décernés par le Massachusetts College of Art and Design de Boston (2008), l'Emily Carr University of Art et Design, Vancouver, Canada (2017) et California Institute of the Arts, Valence (2018). En 2020, Heap of Birds a été élu à l'Académie américaine des arts et des sciences en tant que membre de la classe Humanities & Arts, avec une spécialité en arts visuels. Heap of Birds a été conférencier invité à Londres, en Angleterre ; Samoa occidentales ; Chiang Mai et Bangkok, Thaïlande ; Johannesbourg, Afrique du Sud ; Barcelone, Espagne; Belfast, Irlande du Nord ; Norrköping, Suède ; Hararre, Zimbabwe ; Vérone, Italie ; Adélaïde, Australie ; Rio de Janeiro, Brésil ; Singapour; et Delhi et Vijayawada, Inde. Il a enseigné à l'Université de Yale, à la Rhode Island School of Design et à l'Université d'Oklahoma. Il a pris sa retraite de l'enseignement à l'Université d'Oklahoma après 30 ans de service et est maintenant professeur émérite au département d'études amérindiennes. Les séminaires du professeur Heap of Birds ont exploré les questions liées à l’art amérindien contemporain dans les arts visuels, le cinéma et les musées aux niveaux local, national et international. Les œuvres des artistes font partie des collections du Museum of Modern Art de New York ; le Whitney Museum of American Art, New York ; et le Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, entre autres.

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Birth Year: 1954

Medium: commission critique drawing installation painting printmaking public art sculpture

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Sharon Alward

First Name: Sharon

Last Name: Alward

Biography (English): Sharon Alward is a performance artist. Her works explore issues related to postmodern religious thought. Through her performances she invites her audiences to question dualistic thinking and to experience a bodily dimension of knowledge. Specifically, her research questions the metaphysical, moral and epistemological role of the contemporary artist through the use of ritual symbolism. Her interdisciplinary investigation into art and religious thought is focused on the performative body. Sharon Alward received her BA from the University of Winnipeg in 1975, her BFA from the University of Manitoba in 1983, and her MFA from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1985. In 1982 she received a Painting Fellowship to Yale University. Alward's spiritually based performances and video tapes have been exhibited in museums and site specific locations around the world. She has been nominated for an Art Pace Fellowship and a Blizzard award. Her video works have been exhibited by the American Film Institute and the Canadian National Screen Institute. The CCCA Winnipeg Artists Project was generously supported by the Winnipeg Foundation.

Biography (French): Sharon Alward est une artiste de performance. Ses œuvres explorent les questions liées à la pensée religieuse postmoderne. À travers ses performances, elle invite son public à remettre en question la pensée dualiste et à expérimenter une dimension corporelle de la connaissance. Plus précisément, ses recherches questionnent le rôle métaphysique, moral et épistémologique de l'artiste contemporain à travers l'utilisation du symbolisme rituel. Son enquête interdisciplinaire sur l'art et la pensée religieuse se concentre sur le corps performatif. Sharon Alward a obtenu son baccalauréat de l'Université de Winnipeg en 1975, son baccalauréat en beaux-arts de l'Université du Manitoba en 1983 et sa maîtrise en beaux-arts de l'Université de Californie à Los Angeles en 1985. En 1982, elle a reçu une bourse de recherche en peinture à l'Université de Yale. Les performances spirituelles et les cassettes vidéo d'Alward ont été exposées dans des musées et des lieux spécifiques à travers le monde. Elle a été nominée pour une bourse Art Pace et un prix Blizzard. Ses œuvres vidéo ont été exposées par l'American Film Institute et le Canadian National Screen Institute. Le projet d’artistes de Winnipeg du CACC a été réalisé grâce au soutien généreux de la Winnipeg Foundation.

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Birth Year: 1954

Medium: performance

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Wally Ballach

First Name: Wally

Last Name: Ballach

Biography (English): Wally Ballach is known for Large scale drawings and paintings, menacing, dream world child figures.

Biography (French): Wally Ballach est connu pour ses dessins et peintures à grande échelle, ses figures d'enfants menaçantes et oniriques.

Birth Year: 1954

Medium: drawing painting

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Paul Béliveau

First Name: Paul

Last Name: Béliveau

Biography (English): Paul Béliveau attained his Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from Laval University in 1977. Recognized for his expertise in drawing, engraving and painting he has since then had more than a hundred solo exhibitions across Canada, the United States and Europe. The recipient of numerous prizes in visual arts and of multiple grants from the Canada Council as well as the Ministère des Affaires Culturelles du Québec has taken part in several commitees and juries as specialist in the visual arts.

Biography (French): Paul Béliveau a obtenu son baccalauréat en arts visuels en 1977 à l’Université Laval. Connu pour son travail en dessin, gravure et peinture, il cumule plus d’une centaine d’expositions solo à travers le Canada, les États-Unis et l’Europe. Récipiendaire de plusieurs prix en arts visuels et à multiples reprises boursier du Conseil des Arts du Canada et du Ministère des Affaires culturelles du Québec, il a fait partie de plusieurs comités et jurys comme spécialiste dans son domaine.

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Birth Year: 1954

Medium: drawing painting

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Mark Cheetham

First Name: Mark

Last Name: Cheetham

Biography (English): Mark Cheetham is a professor in the Department of Fine Art at the University of Toronto, where he studied as an undergraduate (BA Philosophy, 1976) and for his MA (Philosophy, 1977). He received his doctorate in the History of Art from the University of London in 1982. He is the author or coeditor of six books and has curated two national exhibitions: Kant, Art, and Art History: Moments of Discipline (Cambridge UP, 2001), The Subjects of Art History: Historical Objects in Contemporary Perspective. Co-editor with Michael Ann Holly and Keith Moxey, Cambridge UP, 1998, Disturbing Abstraction: Christian Eckart. London: ArtLab. 1996-98. Alex Colville: The Observer Observed. Toronto: ECW Press, 1994. The Rhetoric of Purity: Essentialist Theory and the Advent of Abstract Painting. Cambridge UP, 1991. Remembering Postmodernism: Trends in Recent Canadian Art. Oxford and Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991. Memory Works: Postmodern Impulses in Canadian Art, London Regional Art & Historical Museums, 1990-91, and Theory Between the Disciplines: Authority Vision Politics. Co-editor with Martin Kreiswirth. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1990. Cheetham's awards include a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, a Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute Fellowship, Williamstown, MA, several Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada research grants, and the Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Western Ontario. Beginning in July 2003, he will be completing a book on recent abstract art and its theories under the auspices of a University of Toronto Connaught Research Fellowship.

Biography (French): Mark Cheetham est professeur au Département des beaux-arts de l'Université de Toronto, où il a étudié au premier cycle (BA en philosophie, 1976) et à la maîtrise (en philosophie, 1977). Il a obtenu son doctorat en histoire de l'art de l'Université de Londres en 1982. Il est l'auteur ou coéditeur de six livres et a été commissaire de deux expositions nationales : Kant, Art, and Art History: Moments of Discipline (Cambridge UP, 2001), Les sujets de l'histoire de l'art : les objets historiques dans une perspective contemporaine. Co-éditeur avec Michael Ann Holly et Keith Moxey, Cambridge UP, 1998, Disturbing Abstraction : Christian Eckart. Londres : ArtLab. 1996-98. Alex Colville : l'observateur observé. Toronto : ECW Press, 1994. La rhétorique de la pureté : la théorie essentialiste et l'avènement de la peinture abstraite. Cambridge UP, 1991. Se souvenir du postmodernisme : tendances de l'art canadien récent. Oxford et Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1991. Memory Works: Postmodern Impulses in Canadian Art, London Regional Art & Historical Museums, 1990-91, et Theory Between the Disciplines: Authority Vision Politics. Co-éditeur avec Martin Kreiswirth. Ann Arbor : Presses de l'Université du Michigan, 1990. Les prix de Cheetham comprennent une bourse commémorative John Simon Guggenheim, une bourse Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, plusieurs subventions de recherche du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada et le prix Edward G. Pleva pour l'excellence en enseignement, Université de Western Ontario. À partir de juillet 2003, il terminera un livre sur l'art abstrait récent et ses théories sous les auspices d'une bourse de recherche Connaught de l'Université de Toronto.

Birth Year: 1954

Medium: curation

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Mario Côté

First Name: Mario

Last Name: Côté

Biography (English): Mario Côté is a Canadian painter and video director. He completed a master's degree in visual and media arts at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM). He taught at UQAM from 1989 to 2019. From 1993 to 2000, a first cycle of pictorial works addresses the schematized representation of the electronic image associated with Russian experimental cinema and the Russian avant-garde filmmaker Dziga Vertov (1896-1954). From 2002 to 2005, a second cycle of paintings transposed into painting montages of soundscapes of urban places extracted from digital audio montages. From 2008 to 2023, his production is devoted to the pictorial translation of musical works, more particularly those of the American composer Morton Feldman (1926-1987). More recently, between 2017-2022, the artist devotes himself to a “free interpretation” of Feldman’s graphic score Atlantis. In 2002, a first retrospective, led by guest curator Nicole Gingras, was held at the Joliette Art Museum. In 2010, two exhibitions presented the complete transposition of the piece Palais de Mari (1986) by Morton Feldman at the Trois Points Gallery (Montreal) and at the Outremont Art Gallery. In 2015, a second retrospective, under the direction of curator Patrice Loubier, was presented at the Rimouski Regional Museum. The Table d'écoute exhibition focused on a transcription of Crippled Symmetry, another Feldman score. The same year, he presented a transcription of Sonata No. 6 by Galina Oustvolskaïa.

Biography (French): Mario Côté est un artiste peintre et réalisateur vidéo Canadien. Il a complété une maîtrise en arts-visuels et médiatiques à l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Il a enseigné à l’UQAM de 1989 à 2019. De 1993 à 2000, un premier cycle d’œuvres picturales aborde la représentation schématisée de l’image électronique associée au cinéma expérimental russe et le cinéaste russe d’avant-garde Dziga Vertov (1896-1954). De 2002 à 2005, un deuxième cycle de tableaux transpose en peinture des montages d’ambiances sonores de lieux urbains extraits de montages audio-numériques. De 2008 à 2023, sa production est consacrée à la traduction picturale d’œuvres musicales, plus particulièrement celles du compositeur américain Morton Feldman (1926-1987). Plus récemment, entre 2017-2022, l’artiste se consacre à une « interprétation libre » de la partition graphique Atlantis de Feldman. En 2002, une première rétrospective, conduite par la commissaire invitée Nicole Gingras, est tenue au Musée d’art de Joliette. En 2010, deux expositions présentent la transposition complète de la pièce Palais de Mari (1986) de Morton Feldman à la Galerie Trois Points (Montréal) et à la Galerie d’art d’Outremont. En 2015, une seconde rétrospective, sous la direction du commissaire Patrice Loubier est présentée au Musée régional de Rimouski. L’exposition Table d'écoute, portait sur une transcription de Crippled Symmetry, autre partition de Feldman. La même année, il présente une transcription de la Sonate no 6 de Galina Oustvolskaïa.

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Birth Year: 1954

Medium: collage critique installation painting photography video

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Deborah Esch

First Name: Deborah

Last Name: Esch

Biography (English): Deborah Esch is Associate Professor of English at the University of Toronto. She is the co-editor (with Cathy Caruth) of Critical Encounters.

Biography (French): Deborah Esch est professeure agrégée d'anglais à l'Université de Toronto. Elle est co-éditrice (avec Cathy Caruth) de Critical Encounters.

Birth Year: 1954

Medium: critique

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Cliff Eyland

First Name: Cliff

Last Name: Eyland

Biography (English): Cliff Eyland was a Canadian painter, writer and curator. Eyland studied art at Holland College, Mount Allison University, and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. While in school, he was influenced by artists Robert Morris, On Kawara and Daniel Buren. Eyland was best known for his work that transformed public spaces and his drawings and paintings done on the small 3 x 5 index card format. In 2005 his installation Untitled, consisting of over 1000 paintings, opened at the Winnipeg's Millennium Library. In 2014, he installed at the Halifax Central Library whereLibrary Cards is behind the front desk and Book Shelf Paintings is on the fifth floor. He also has a smaller public art commission of 600 painting titled Sculptures in Landscapes at the Meadows branch of the Edmonton Public Library. Eyland also hid card drawings in books and card catalogues at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, the Library and Archives in Ottawa and the Muttart Library in Calgary. During his 2012 residency and solo exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada, he showed painting in the vitrine, published an artist book and placed 1000 file card drawings into books in the Library. Eyland was a curator and writer as an extension of his artistic practice. Between 1998–2010, he was an associate professor of painting at the University of Manitoba School of Art and director of Gallery One One One. Eyland's archives are held at the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections. In 2020, his alma mater Nova Scotia College of Art and Design set up the Cliff Eyland Memorial Scholarship for painting students and endowed by his family.

Biography (French): Cliff Eyland was a Canadian painter, writer and curator. Eyland studied art at Holland College, Mount Allison University, and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. While in school, he was influenced by artists Robert Morris, On Kawara and Daniel Buren. Eyland was best known for his work that transformed public spaces and his drawings and paintings done on the small 3 x 5 index card format. In 2005 his installation Untitled, consisting of over 1000 paintings, opened at Winnipeg's Millennium Library. In 2014, he installed at the Halifax Central Library where Library Cards is behind the front desk and Book Shelf Paintings is on the fifth floor. He also has a smaller public art commission of 600 paintings titled Sculptures in Landscapes at the Meadows branch of the Edmonton Public Library. Eyland also hid card drawings in books and card catalogs at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, the Library and Archives in Ottawa and the Muttart Library in Calgary. During his 2012 residency and solo exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada, he showed painting in the window, published an artist book and placed 1000 file card drawings into books in the Library. Eyland was a curator and writer as an extension of his artistic practice. Between 1998–2010, he was an associate professor of painting at the University of Manitoba School of Art and director of Gallery One One One. Eyland's archives are held at the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections. In 2020, his alma mater Nova Scotia College of Art and Design set up the Cliff Eyland Memorial Scholarship for painting students and endowed by his family.

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Birth Year: 1954

Medium: curation drawing mixed media painting performance

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Cliff Eyland

First Name: Cliff

Last Name: Eyland

Birth Year: 1954

Medium: drawing mixed media painting performance

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Carole Freeman

First Name: Carole

Last Name: Freeman

Biography (English): Carole Freeman graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours from the University of Manitoba and a Master of Arts from the School of Painting, Royal College of Art, London, England, which included a residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, France. Freeman’s work is represented in private and public collections in Canada, U.S.A., England, Italy, Ireland, and Australia. Freeman has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Toronto, Winnipeg, London, New York, and Los Angeles. Her work has been highlighted in The Globe and Mail, The National Post, and Now Magazine as well as blogs and art news sites such as Akimbo Art and Tech Blog, ArtDaily Newsletter, ArtSlant, Berkshire News, Los Angeles Magazine, and Visual Art Source. In 2010 and 2011, Freeman’s celebrity portraits were a popular feature during The Toronto International Film Festival. Her 2011 solo exhibition Portraits of Facebook at Edward Day Gallery in Toronto was opened by Jordan Banks, Managing Director of Facebook Canada with Facebook Canada executive and public participation at a Portrait Painting Party during the run of the exhibition, garnering much media attention. In 2012, Freeman was invited to speak and present her art practice on the panel Making Art in the Age of New Media during The Canadian Arts Summit, a unique national leadership forum that yearly brings together the chief executives, artistic directors, and board chairs of Canada’s largest 50 not-for-profit cultural institutions, at The Banff Centre in Banff, Canada. In 2013, she participated in the group exhibition, Women’s Art Now, with artists such as Helen Frankenthaler and Elizabeth Peyton. In July 2014, Leslie Sacks Fine Art, Los Angeles, invited Freeman to exhibit drawings in the exhibition Classical Values: Modern and Contemporary Drawings along with Picasso, Matisse, Lautrec, Klimt, Hockney, and other important artists.

Biography (French): Carole Freeman est titulaire d'un baccalauréat spécialisé en beaux-arts de l'Université du Manitoba et d'une maîtrise ès arts de la School of Painting du Royal College of Art de Londres, en Angleterre, qui comprenait une résidence à la Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris, en France. Le travail de Freeman est représenté dans des collections privées et publiques au Canada, aux États-Unis, en Angleterre, en Italie, en Irlande et en Australie. Freeman a participé à des expositions individuelles et collectives à Toronto, Winnipeg, Londres, New York et Los Angeles. Son travail a été mis en valeur dans le Globe and Mail, le National Post et le Now Magazine, ainsi que dans des blogs et des sites d'actualité sur l'art tels que Akimbo Art and Tech Blog, ArtDaily Newsletter, ArtSlant, Berkshire News, Los Angeles Magazine et Visual Art Source. . En 2010 et 2011, les portraits de célébrités de Freeman étaient un élément populaire lors du Festival international du film de Toronto. Son exposition personnelle de 2011 Portraits of Facebook à la Edward Day Gallery de Toronto a été inaugurée par Jordan Banks, directeur général de Facebook Canada, avec la participation des dirigeants et du public de Facebook Canada à une soirée de peinture de portraits pendant le déroulement de l'exposition, attirant beaucoup l’attention des médias. En 2012, Freeman a été invitée à prendre la parole et à présenter sa pratique artistique au sein du panel Making Art in the Age of New Media lors du Sommet canadien des arts, un forum national unique sur le leadership qui rassemble chaque année les chefs d'entreprise, directeurs artistiques et présidents du conseil d'administration des 50 plus grandes institutions culturelles à but non lucratif du Canada, au Banff Centre à Banff, au Canada. En 2013, elle a participé à l'exposition collective Women's Art Now, avec des artistes comme Helen Frankenthaler et Elizabeth Peyton. En juillet 2014, Leslie Sacks Fine Art, Los Angeles, a invité Freeman à exposer des dessins dans l'exposition Valeurs classiques : dessins modernes et contemporains aux côtés de Picasso, Matisse, Lautrec, Klimt, Hockney et d'autres artistes importants. .

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Birth Year: 1954

Medium: drawing painting photography

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