CCCA Canadian Art Database

City: Dubai

Janet Bellotto

First Name: Janet

Last Name: Bellotto

Biography (English): Janet Bellotto graduated from the Sculpture/Installation program at the Ontario College of Art & Design, Toronto, and received an MFA from Concordia University, Montreal. Her practice encompasses sculpture, installation, photography, video and performance. Water flows through her work: oceans and waves, submersion and reflections, in-between states that are fluid and aqueous. Bellotto has initiated various artist collectives based on producing site-specific work or using spaces outside of gallery walls and creating cultural art exchanges. She has exhibited in various cities including Beijing, Dubai, New York, Mexico City and Venice. Recent solo and group exhibitions include: (2010) Drowning Ophelia, Stratford Gallery, Stratford, Canada; (2009) Point of Encounter, Tashkeel, Dubai, UAE; (2008) WAVE, The LAB, New York City, USA; Chinese Character Biennial, KU Art Center, Beijing, China; (2007) Dehisce, projects, New Orleans, USA. She splits her time between Toronto, Dubai and Venice.

Biography (French): Janet Bellotto est diplômée du programme Sculpture/Installation de l'Ontario College of Art & Design de Toronto et a obtenu une maîtrise en beaux-arts de l'Université Concordia de Montréal. Sa pratique englobe la sculpture, l'installation, la photographie, la vidéo et la performance. L'eau coule à travers son œuvre : océans et vagues, submersion et reflets, entre des états fluides et aqueux. Bellotto a lancé divers collectifs d'artistes basés sur la production d'œuvres spécifiques à un site ou sur l'utilisation d'espaces en dehors des murs des galeries et sur la création d'échanges artistiques culturels. Elle a exposé dans diverses villes dont Pékin, Dubaï, New York, Mexico et Venise. Ses récentes expositions individuelles et collectives comprennent : (2010) Drowning Ophelia, Stratford Gallery, Stratford, Canada ; (2009) Point de rencontre, Tashkeel, Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis ; (2008) WAVE, The LAB, New York, États-Unis ; Biennale des caractères chinois, KU Art Center, Pékin, Chine ; (2007) Dehisce, projets, Nouvelle-Orléans, États-Unis. Elle partage son temps entre Toronto, Dubaï et Venise.

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Birth Year: 1973

Medium: installation performance photography sculpture video

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