CCCA Canadian Art Database

City: Kitchener

Robert Achtemichuk

First Name: Robert

Last Name: Achtemichuk

Biography (English): Robert Achtemichuk studied fine arts at the University of Manitoba and the National Autonomous University of Mexico, specializing in printmaking. Back in Canada Achtemichuk taught in universities and then became the executive director at Open Studio in Toronto, a Canadian fine art printmaking gallery and studios. His prints and paintings have been shown in public and private galleries across Canada, most recently at Open Sesame. Robert is based in Kitchener, Ontario. Robert Achtemichuk acknowledges funding support from the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund and the Ontario Arts Council.

Biography (French): Robert Achtemichuk a étudié les beaux-arts à l'Université du Manitoba et à l'Université nationale autonome du Mexique, se spécialisant en gravure. De retour au Canada, Achtemichuk a enseigné dans des universités, puis est devenu directeur exécutif d'Open Studio à Toronto, une galerie et des studios canadiens de gravure d'art. Ses estampes et peintures ont été exposées dans des galeries publiques et privées à travers le Canada, plus récemment à Open Sesame. Robert est basé à Kitchener, en Ontario. Robert Achtemichuk remercie le soutien financier du Fonds pour les arts de la région de Waterloo et du Conseil des arts de l'Ontario.

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Birth Year: 1948

Medium: printmaking

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Virginia Eichhorn

First Name: Virginia

Last Name: Eichhorn

Biography (English): Virginia Eichhorn has worked in the visual arts field for over twenty-five years and was appointed to the position of Director/Curator of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery in September 2009. In 2012 her title was changed to Director & Chief Curator and her responsibilities were expanded to include the management of the Billy Bishop Home & Museum and the Owen Sound Marine and Rail Museum, as well as the Tom Thomson Art Gallery. She is a graduate of the Art History programme at Queen’s University and continued her studies at the University of Toronto. As an independent curator she has presented exhibitions at numerous prestigious venues including the XII Biennale of Art at Villa Nova Cerveira in Portugal. She has worked extensively with artists from across Canada and abroad, including Carl Beam, Judy Chicago, Vessna Perunovich, Jane Ash Poitras and Peter Von Tiesenhausen, developing exhibitions for high profile Canadian galleries and museums. In addition to curating, she has written numerous catalogue essays and has contributed articles to prominent Canadian magazines including Artichoke, Canadian Art, Border Crossings, ESPACE Sculpture and international magazines such as Ceramics Monthly. She is a member of the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective, the International Association of Art Museum Curators (IKT), the Canadian Art Museum Directors’ Organization (CAMDO) and the Association of Art Museum Curators and is Vice President and Treasurer of the Ontario Association of Art Galleries and is a board member for Cahiers métiers d’art /Craft Journal. In 2009 she won the Jean Johnson/Melanie Egan Award for Curatorial Excellence given by the Ontario Crafts Council.

Biography (French): Virginia Eichhorn travaille dans le domaine des arts visuels depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans et a été nommée directrice/conservatrice de la Tom Thomson Art Gallery en septembre 2009. En 2012, son titre a été changé pour celui de directrice et conservatrice en chef et ses responsabilités ont été élargi pour inclure la gestion du Billy Bishop Home & Museum et du Owen Sound Marine and Rail Museum, ainsi que de la Tom Thomson Art Gallery. Elle est diplômée du programme d’histoire de l’art de l’Université Queen’s et a poursuivi ses études à l’Université de Toronto. En tant que commissaire indépendante, elle a présenté des expositions dans de nombreux lieux prestigieux, dont la XIIe Biennale d'art de la Villa Nova Cerveira au Portugal. Elle a beaucoup travaillé avec des artistes de partout au Canada et à l'étranger, notamment Carl Beam, Judy Chicago, Vessna Perunovich, Jane Ash Poitras et Peter Von Tiesenhausen, développant des expositions pour des galeries et musées canadiens de premier plan. En plus d'être commissaire d'exposition, elle a rédigé de nombreux essais de catalogue et a rédigé des articles dans des magazines canadiens de premier plan, notamment Artichoke, Canadian Art, Border Crossings, ESPACE Sculpture, ainsi que dans des magazines internationaux tels que Ceramics Monthly. Elle est membre de l'Aboriginal Curatorial Collective, de l'Association internationale des conservateurs de musées d'art (IKT), de l'Organisation des directeurs de musées d'art du Canada (CAMDO) et de l'Association des conservateurs de musées d'art et est vice-présidente et trésorière de l'Ontario Association of Art. Galleries et est membre du conseil d'administration des Cahiers métiers d'art /Craft Journal. En 2009, elle a remporté le prix Jean Johnson/Melanie Egan pour l'excellence en conservation décerné par l'Ontario Crafts Council.

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Medium: critique curation

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Virginia Eichhorn

First Name: Virginia

Last Name: Eichhorn

Medium: curation

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Robert Linsley

First Name: Robert

Last Name: Linsley

Biography (English): Robert Linsley was a Canadian artist, writer and professor known for his abstract paintings. He received a BFA degree in 1982 and a MFA degree in 1988 from the University of British Columbia. His book Beyond Resemblance Abstract Art in the Age of Global Conceptualism was published in 2017 by Reaktion Books. Linsley's work is included in the collections of the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Edmonton Art Gallery, and the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery at the University of British Columbia.

Biography (French): Robert Linsley était un artiste, écrivain et professeur canadien connu pour ses peintures abstraites. Il a obtenu un baccalauréat en beaux-arts en 1982 et une maîtrise en beaux-arts en 1988 de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique. Son livre Beyond Resemblance Abstract Art in the Age of Global Conceptualism a été publié en 2017 par Reaktion Books. Le travail de Linsley fait partie des collections de la Vancouver Art Gallery, de l'Edmonton Art Gallery et de la Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique.

Birth Year: 1952

Medium: painting text-based

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Allan H. MacKay

First Name: Allan

Last Name: MacKay

Biography (English): Allan Harding MacKay has over the span of his visual arts career, accumulated extensive and multifaceted credentials as professional artist, gallery director, curator, and arts administrator. His positions in visual art organizations have included CEO and senior management positions in a variety of administrative, curatorial, project management and consultation roles throughout Canada from 1970 to present. He has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally. Public collections including the Canada Council Art Bank, National Gallery of Canada, Canadian War Museum, Confederation Centre Art Gallery, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Art Gallery of Alberta, Beaverbrook Art Gallery, and Kunstmuseum Bern Switzerland have acquired his works as well as corporations and private collections in Canada and Switzerland. He has served as a visiting artist, resident artist and lecturer at several Canadian universities, art colleges, public galleries and national conferences and has been awarded numerous artist grants by the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council and Alberta Foundation of the Arts. At the invitation of the Canadian Department of Defence the artist served on two war artist assignments in Somalia (1993) and Afghanistan (2002). His experience in the realm of public art includes 4 commissions in Toronto and Kitchener, Ontario.

Biography (French): Allan Harding MacKay a, au cours de sa carrière en arts visuels, accumulé des qualifications étendues et multiformes en tant qu'artiste professionnel, directeur de galerie, conservateur et administrateur des arts. Ses postes au sein d'organisations d'art visuel incluent des postes de PDG et de haute direction dans divers rôles administratifs, de conservation, de gestion de projet et de consultation partout au Canada de 1970 à aujourd'hui. Il a largement exposé au niveau national et international. Des collections publiques, notamment la Banque d'art du Conseil des Arts du Canada, le Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, le Musée canadien de la guerre, la Galerie d'art du Centre de la Confédération, la Galerie d'art de la Nouvelle-Écosse, la Galerie d'art de l'Alberta, la Galerie d'art Beaverbrook et le Kunstmuseum Bern Suisse, ont acquis ses œuvres ainsi que des sociétés. et collections privées au Canada et en Suisse. Il a été artiste invité, artiste résident et conférencier dans plusieurs universités, collèges d'art, galeries publiques et conférences nationales du Canada et a reçu de nombreuses subventions d'artiste du Conseil des Arts du Canada, du Conseil des Arts de l'Ontario et de l'Alberta Foundation of the Arts. À l'invitation du ministère canadien de la Défense, l'artiste a participé à deux missions d'artiste de guerre en Somalie (1993) et en Afghanistan (2002). Son expérience dans le domaine de l'art public comprend 4 commandes à Toronto et Kitchener, en Ontario.

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Birth Year: 1944

Medium: collage drawing media

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Allan H. MacKay

First Name: Allan

Last Name: MacKay

Biography (English): Allan was born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island in 1944. He currently lives and works in Kitchener, Ontario. Allan has had a long and multi-faceted career in the visual arts as a gallery curator/director and as a professional artist. Among his gallery directorships are The Power Plant at Toronto Harbourfront, Art Metropole in Toronto and the Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon. Allan has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally, and his works have been acquired by public galleries, corporations and private collectors in Canada, Switzerland and in the United States. He has been awarded visual arts project grants from both the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council. He has served as visiting artist (Artist in-residence) at several Canadian Universities and art colleges, among which are the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, the Alberta College of Art, Queen's University and the Confederation Art Gallery and Museum. Allan is represented by Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary, Alberta.

Biography (French): Allan was born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island in 1944. He currently lives and works in Kitchener, Ontario. Allan has had a long and multi-faceted career in the visual arts as a gallery curator/director and as a professional artist. Among his gallery directorships are The Power Plant at Toronto Harbourfront, Art Metropole in Toronto and the Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon. Allan has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally, and his works have been acquired by public galleries, corporations and private collectors in Canada, Switzerland and in the United States. He has been awarded visual arts project grants from both the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council. He has served as visiting artist (Artist in-residence) at several Canadian Universities and art colleges, among which are the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, the Alberta College of Art, Queen's University and the Confederation Art Gallery and Museum. Allan is represented by Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary, Alberta.

Birth Year: 1944

Medium: collage drawing

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