CCCA Canadian Art Database

ARTIFACTS (Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee)

ARTIFACTS, formed in 1983 by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, produces feminist collaborative works which combine the concerns of art and theatre; they have fused these traditions into a unique hybridity. Ever cognizant of gender politics and cultural normalization, ARTIFACTS engages in deconstructing various contemporary societal issues by exploring women’s bodies across speculative edges and in liminal spaces. While concentrating on performance, ARTIFACTS has also created video and visual exhibitions. Research-in-process and doing-as-action define their practice. In 2011, Miklos Legrady was invited to join ARTIFACTS as “public eye”, a photographer or “witness” who by documenting the work is drawn into and becomes part of the performance.
Creator Id: 28
Collaboration: (Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee)
Web Site Link: Web Site Link
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA
Beginning Year: 1983
Year of Birth: 1983
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Type of Creator: Artist
Gender: Undeclared
Mediums: performance
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Work by ARTIFACTS (Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee)

Madame X from Planet X

Work ID: 67372

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson and Francois Klanfer, as a street performance for ARTIFACTS, Toronto (August 1983).

Madame X arrives on earth with a full entourage and is escorted by the Minister of Foreign Objects to the major art institutions. But, to Madame X, everything is art.


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Ghost Trio

Work ID: 67384

Description: By Samuel Beckett. Directed by Pam Patterson, visuals by Leena Raudvee, performed by Liz Gallagher, Robert Persichini, and Hannah Mather for A.K.A. Developing Works, Theatre Centre, Toronto (Dec. 1983).

Ghost Trio, a video script by Samuel Beskett, was expanded and developed into a multi-media performance work with slide projections and video. It deals with the alienation of a family and the struggle for power.


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Female Laundry

Work ID: 67382

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson as a street performance for Metro Works, A Space Gallery, Toronto (August 1983).

Female Laundry deals with the juxtaposition of the stereotypical female environment (the home), with the male counterpart (the office). Betsy, a housewife, takes her laundry to the business district of downtown Toronto.


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Work ID: 67376

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson, for Partisan Gallery, Toronto (June 1983).

Entrapment“ deals with the cultural brainwashing of women and explores the impact of media advertising on this phenomenon. Why do women accept media images presented to them as the “norm”? It is layered in time and space. The innermost time layer is the performance, which is physically and temporally contained within the installation, the permanent but changing gallery exhibit.


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Madame X from Planet X

Work ID: 67373

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson and Francois Klanfer, as a street performance for ARTIFACTS, Toronto (August 1983).

Madame X arrives on earth with a full entourage and is escorted by the Minister of Foreign Objects to the major art institutions. But, to Madame X, everything is art.


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Madame X from Planet X

Work ID: 67369

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson and Francois Klanfer, as a street performance for ARTIFACTS, Toronto (August 1983).

Madame X arrives on earth with a full entourage and is escorted by the Minister of Foreign Objects to the major art institutions. But, to Madame X, everything is art.


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Work ID: 67375

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson, for Partisan Gallery, Toronto (June 1983).

Entrapment“ deals with the cultural brainwashing of women and explores the impact of media advertising on this phenomenon. Why do women accept media images presented to them as the “norm”? It is layered in time and space. The innermost time layer is the performance, which is physically and temporally contained within the installation, the permanent but changing gallery exhibit.


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Work ID: 67374

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson, for Partisan Gallery, Toronto (June 1983).

Entrapment“ deals with the cultural brainwashing of women and explores the impact of media advertising on this phenomenon. Why do women accept media images presented to them as the “norm”? It is layered in time and space. The innermost time layer is the performance, which is physically and temporally contained within the installation, the permanent but changing gallery exhibit.


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Work ID: 67378

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson, for Partisan Gallery, Toronto (June 1983).

Entrapment“ deals with the cultural brainwashing of women and explores the impact of media advertising on this phenomenon. Why do women accept media images presented to them as the “norm”? It is layered in time and space. The innermost time layer is the performance, which is physically and temporally contained within the installation, the permanent but changing gallery exhibit.


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Ghost Trio

Work ID: 67383

Description: By Samuel Beckett. Directed by Pam Patterson, visuals by Leena Raudvee, performed by Liz Gallagher, Robert Persichini, and Hannah Mather for A.K.A. Developing Works, Theatre Centre, Toronto (Dec. 1983).

Ghost Trio, a video script by Samuel Beskett, was expanded and developed into a multi-media performance work with slide projections and video. It deals with the alienation of a family and the struggle for power.


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Female Laundry

Work ID: 67379

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson as a street performance for Metro Works, A Space Gallery, Toronto (August 1983).

Female Laundry deals with the juxtaposition of the stereotypical female environment (the home), with the male counterpart (the office). Betsy, a housewife, takes her laundry to the business district of downtown Toronto.


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Madame X from Planet X

Work ID: 67371

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson and Francois Klanfer, as a street performance for ARTIFACTS, Toronto (August 1983).

Madame X arrives on earth with a full entourage and is escorted by the Minister of Foreign Objects to the major art institutions. But, to Madame X, everything is art.


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Work ID: 67377

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson, for Partisan Gallery, Toronto (June 1983).

Entrapment“ deals with the cultural brainwashing of women and explores the impact of media advertising on this phenomenon. Why do women accept media images presented to them as the “norm”? It is layered in time and space. The innermost time layer is the performance, which is physically and temporally contained within the installation, the permanent but changing gallery exhibit.


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Female Laundry

Work ID: 67380

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson as a street performance for Metro Works, A Space Gallery, Toronto (August 1983).

Female Laundry deals with the juxtaposition of the stereotypical female environment (the home), with the male counterpart (the office). Betsy, a housewife, takes her laundry to the business district of downtown Toronto.


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Female Laundry

Work ID: 67381

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson as a street performance for Metro Works, A Space Gallery, Toronto (August 1983).

Female Laundry deals with the juxtaposition of the stereotypical female environment (the home), with the male counterpart (the office). Betsy, a housewife, takes her laundry to the business district of downtown Toronto.


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Madame X from Planet X

Work ID: 67370

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson and Francois Klanfer, as a street performance for ARTIFACTS, Toronto (August 1983).

Madame X arrives on earth with a full entourage and is escorted by the Minister of Foreign Objects to the major art institutions. But, to Madame X, everything is art.


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Work ID: 67387

Description: Developed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee, performed by Pam Patterson and John Oughton, for the Alter Eros Festival, Toronto (1984).

Unwinding deals with the power and sensuality of woman within a natural environment.


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Headaches for the Unit

Work ID: 67386

Description: Developed and performed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee for the Alter Eros Festival, at the Horseshoe Tavern, Toronto (March 1984).

Headaches for the Unit deals with events recorded in Toronto newspapers concerning brutality to women during the week prior to the performance. A woman walks as if on the street through projected slides, while another woman reads as a newscaster. Rape and family beatings are considered headaches for the police units.


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Headaches for the Unit

Work ID: 67385

Description: Developed and performed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee for the Alter Eros Festival, at the Horseshoe Tavern, Toronto (March 1984).

Headaches for the Unit deals with events recorded in Toronto newspapers concerning brutality to women during the week prior to the performance. A woman walks as if on the street through projected slides, while another woman reads as a newscaster. Rape and family beatings are considered headaches for the police units.


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Attending the Interior

Work ID: 67390

Description: Written and performed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta (June 1987).

Attending the Interior” is an installation / performance dealing with the interrelationship of two women. Both occupy an internal, safe environment and support each other through minimal dialogue on tape as they choose to enter or leave the space. Each woman repeats specific actions within the space and the spectators are free to move throughout this environment.


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Attending the Interior

Work ID: 67388

Description: Written and performed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta (June 1987).

Attending the Interior” is an installation / performance dealing with the interrelationship of two women. Both occupy an internal, safe environment and support each other through minimal dialogue on tape as they choose to enter or leave the space. Each woman repeats specific actions within the space and the spectators are free to move throughout this environment.


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Attending the Interior

Work ID: 67389

Description: Written and performed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta (June 1987).

Attending the Interior” is an installation / performance dealing with the interrelationship of two women. Both occupy an internal, safe environment and support each other through minimal dialogue on tape as they choose to enter or leave the space. Each woman repeats specific actions within the space and the spectators are free to move throughout this environment.


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Attending the Interior

Work ID: 67391

Description: Written and performed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta (June 1987).

Attending the Interior” is an installation / performance dealing with the interrelationship of two women. Both occupy an internal, safe environment and support each other through minimal dialogue on tape as they choose to enter or leave the space. Each woman repeats specific actions within the space and the spectators are free to move throughout this environment.


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Attending the Interior

Work ID: 67392

Description: Written and performed by Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta (June 1987).

Attending the Interior” is an installation / performance dealing with the interrelationship of two women. Both occupy an internal, safe environment and support each other through minimal dialogue on tape as they choose to enter or leave the space. Each woman repeats specific actions within the space and the spectators are free to move throughout this environment.


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Attending ll

Work ID: 67397

Description: Performance and installation for Access to the Process, A Space Gallery, Toronto (1989).

Attending II is a step into a dream world. It is the nighttime world of “the lunatic. the lover and the poet.....” The quality of the performance and installation is sensuous and reflective. It is a non-linear, non-literal work in which all elements are balanced to reveal the relationship of two women, and the fables and herstories of many women.


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Crossing the Street

Work ID: 67395

Description: Performance and installation, Hamilton Artists' Inc., Hamilton (1989)

Crossing the Street” explores the impact of the external on the internal. Images of steel girders mix with white sheets drying on the line; the impersonal; the industrial is juxtaposed with the personal, the domestic, the private. The performance evolves out of the melding of these elements in the installation,


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Crossing the Street

Work ID: 67396

Description: Performance and installation, Hamilton Artists' Inc., Hamilton (1989)

Crossing the Street” explores the impact of the external on the internal. Images of steel girders mix with white sheets drying on the line; the impersonal; the industrial is juxtaposed with the personal, the domestic, the private. The performance evolves out of the melding of these elements in the installation,


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Crossing the Street

Work ID: 67393

Description: Performance and installation, Hamilton Artists' Inc., Hamilton (1989)

Crossing the Street” explores the impact of the external on the internal. Images of steel girders mix with white sheets drying on the line; the impersonal; the industrial is juxtaposed with the personal, the domestic, the private. The performance evolves out of the melding of these elements in the installation,


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De-Tale (detail)

Work ID: 67405

Description: Performance and installation for Roundup, Toronto (1989).

De-Tale (detail) is a site-specific work, which was installed and performed in an attic in a large Toronto home. It deals with interior space, both physical and psychological with discussion focussed on (a) woman. In DeDe-Tale (detail) there is an attempt to investigate and deconstruct the kinds of images that we all tend to associate with the home. This is accomplished through the revelation of the internal, the private.


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Crossing the Street

Work ID: 67394

Description: Performance and installation, Hamilton Artists' Inc., Hamilton (1989)

Crossing the Street” explores the impact of the external on the internal. Images of steel girders mix with white sheets drying on the line; the impersonal; the industrial is juxtaposed with the personal, the domestic, the private. The performance evolves out of the melding of these elements in the installation,


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De-Tale (detail)

Work ID: 67403

Description: Performance and installation for Roundup, Toronto (1989).

De-Tale (detail) is a site-specific work, which was installed and performed in an attic in a large Toronto home. It deals with interior space, both physical and psychological with discussion focussed on (a) woman. In DeDe-Tale (detail) there is an attempt to investigate and deconstruct the kinds of images that we all tend to associate with the home. This is accomplished through the revelation of the internal, the private.


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Attending ll

Work ID: 67399

Description: Performance and installation for Access to the Process, A Space Gallery, Toronto (1989).

Attending II is a step into a dream world. It is the nighttime world of “the lunatic. the lover and the poet.....” The quality of the performance and installation is sensuous and reflective. It is a non-linear, non-literal work in which all elements are balanced to reveal the relationship of two women, and the fables and herstories of many women.


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De-Tale (detail)

Work ID: 67401

Description: Performance and installation for Roundup, Toronto (1989).

De-Tale (detail) is a site-specific work, which was installed and performed in an attic in a large Toronto home. It deals with interior space, both physical and psychological with discussion focussed on (a) woman. In DeDe-Tale (detail) there is an attempt to investigate and deconstruct the kinds of images that we all tend to associate with the home. This is accomplished through the revelation of the internal, the private.


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De-Tale (detail)

Work ID: 67404

Description: Performance and installation for Roundup, Toronto (1989).

De-Tale (detail) is a site-specific work, which was installed and performed in an attic in a large Toronto home. It deals with interior space, both physical and psychological with discussion focussed on (a) woman. In DeDe-Tale (detail) there is an attempt to investigate and deconstruct the kinds of images that we all tend to associate with the home. This is accomplished through the revelation of the internal, the private.


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De-Tale (detail)

Work ID: 67402

Description: Performance and installation for Roundup, Toronto (1989).

De-Tale (detail) is a site-specific work, which was installed and performed in an attic in a large Toronto home. It deals with interior space, both physical and psychological with discussion focussed on (a) woman. In DeDe-Tale (detail) there is an attempt to investigate and deconstruct the kinds of images that we all tend to associate with the home. This is accomplished through the revelation of the internal, the private.


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Attending ll

Work ID: 67398

Description: Performance and installation for Access to the Process, A Space Gallery, Toronto (1989).

Attending II is a step into a dream world. It is the nighttime world of “the lunatic. the lover and the poet.....” The quality of the performance and installation is sensuous and reflective. It is a non-linear, non-literal work in which all elements are balanced to reveal the relationship of two women, and the fables and herstories of many women.


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Attending ll

Work ID: 67400

Description: Performance and installation for Access to the Process, A Space Gallery, Toronto (1989).

Attending II is a step into a dream world. It is the nighttime world of “the lunatic. the lover and the poet.....” The quality of the performance and installation is sensuous and reflective. It is a non-linear, non-literal work in which all elements are balanced to reveal the relationship of two women, and the fables and herstories of many women.


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Work ID: 67411

Description: Performance and installation, V.MacDonnell Gallery, Toronto (2000).

In Fragments the focus is on Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's development as collaborative artists. Images, activities, objects mark moments from their past, present and future work. These “texts” resonate within the present activity. Here, they occupy a macro text as they manipulate themselves and their narratives of practice. They recreate, draw, perform and control in this study of their own line of past/present/future, their presence as feminists, as mothers and as makers.


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Work ID: 67415

Description: Performance and installation, 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art, Toronto (2000).

Passing is a historiograghy, representative of a continuing process of mapping the images of ARTIFACT'S making and collaborating. Over two days, Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee pass down the hallways and stairways of 401 Richmond, pass objects back and forth, pass on information and sensation, pass the time…The work is social, political, personal and specific in intent, pleasurable in practice.


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Work ID: 67412

Description: Performance and installation, 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art, Toronto (2000).

Passing is a historiograghy, representative of a continuing process of mapping the images of ARTIFACT'S making and collaborating. Over two days, Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee pass down the hallways and stairways of 401 Richmond, pass objects back and forth, pass on information and sensation, pass the time…The work is social, political, personal and specific in intent, pleasurable in practice.


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Work ID: 67408

Description: Performance and installation, V.MacDonnell Gallery, Toronto (2000).

In Fragments the focus is on Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's development as collaborative artists. Images, activities, objects mark moments from their past, present and future work. These “texts” resonate within the present activity. Here, they occupy a macro text as they manipulate themselves and their narratives of practice. They recreate, draw, perform and control in this study of their own line of past/present/future, their presence as feminists, as mothers and as makers.


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Work ID: 67413

Description: Performance and installation, 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art, Toronto (2000).

Passing is a historiograghy, representative of a continuing process of mapping the images of ARTIFACT'S making and collaborating. Over two days, Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee pass down the hallways and stairways of 401 Richmond, pass objects back and forth, pass on information and sensation, pass the time…The work is social, political, personal and specific in intent, pleasurable in practice.


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Work ID: 67410

Description: Performance and installation, V.MacDonnell Gallery, Toronto (2000).

In Fragments the focus is on Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's development as collaborative artists. Images, activities, objects mark moments from their past, present and future work. These “texts” resonate within the present activity. Here, they occupy a macro text as they manipulate themselves and their narratives of practice. They recreate, draw, perform and control in this study of their own line of past/present/future, their presence as feminists, as mothers and as makers.


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Work ID: 67407

Description: Performance and installation, V.MacDonnell Gallery, Toronto (2000).

In Fragments the focus is on Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's development as collaborative artists. Images, activities, objects mark moments from their past, present and future work. These “texts” resonate within the present activity. Here, they occupy a macro text as they manipulate themselves and their narratives of practice. They recreate, draw, perform and control in this study of their own line of past/present/future, their presence as feminists, as mothers and as makers.


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Work ID: 67409

Description: Performance and installation, V.MacDonnell Gallery, Toronto (2000).

In Fragments the focus is on Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's development as collaborative artists. Images, activities, objects mark moments from their past, present and future work. These “texts” resonate within the present activity. Here, they occupy a macro text as they manipulate themselves and their narratives of practice. They recreate, draw, perform and control in this study of their own line of past/present/future, their presence as feminists, as mothers and as makers.


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Work ID: 67406

Description: Performance and installation, V.MacDonnell Gallery, Toronto (2000).

In Fragments the focus is on Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's development as collaborative artists. Images, activities, objects mark moments from their past, present and future work. These “texts” resonate within the present activity. Here, they occupy a macro text as they manipulate themselves and their narratives of practice. They recreate, draw, perform and control in this study of their own line of past/present/future, their presence as feminists, as mothers and as makers.


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Work ID: 67414

Description: Performance and installation, 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art, Toronto (2000).

Passing is a historiograghy, representative of a continuing process of mapping the images of ARTIFACT'S making and collaborating. Over two days, Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee pass down the hallways and stairways of 401 Richmond, pass objects back and forth, pass on information and sensation, pass the time…The work is social, political, personal and specific in intent, pleasurable in practice.


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Remnants and Recoveries: The Performance

Work ID: 67423

Description: A Space, Toronto (2003).

Remnants and Recoveries: the Performance is about traces and remnants, incorporating a history of memory, sensation and story representative of Artifacts' practice. Images, activities and objects represent touchstones to previous stories that mark moments from Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's past, present and future work.


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Work ID: 67419


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The Voyage Out

Work ID: 67418

Description: Hysteria: a Festival of Women, Buddies in Bad Times and Nightwood Theatre, Toronto (2003)

Virginia Woolf's first novel forms the basis of this exploration of the internal and the external. While reading The Voyage Out, Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee take voyages out, to peer over the railing into the unknown, to cast words, thoughts and memories into a pool of water and then to return to the text, to the relationship between two women and to the world within.


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The Voyage Out

Work ID: 67417

Description: Hysteria: a Festival of Women, Buddies in Bad Times and Nightwood Theatre, Toronto (2003)

Virginia Woolf's first novel forms the basis of this exploration of the internal and the external. While reading The Voyage Out, Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee take voyages out, to peer over the railing into the unknown, to cast words, thoughts and memories into a pool of water and then to return to the text, to the relationship between two women and to the world within.


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Remnants and Recoveries: The Performance

Work ID: 67421

Description: A Space, Toronto (2003).

Remnants and Recoveries: the Performance is about traces and remnants, incorporating a history of memory, sensation and story representative of Artifacts' practice. Images, activities and objects represent touchstones to previous stories that mark moments from Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's past, present and future work.


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The Voyage Out

Work ID: 67416

Description: Hysteria: a Festival of Women, Buddies in Bad Times and Nightwood Theatre, Toronto (2003)

Virginia Woolf's first novel forms the basis of this exploration of the internal and the external. While reading The Voyage Out, Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee take voyages out, to peer over the railing into the unknown, to cast words, thoughts and memories into a pool of water and then to return to the text, to the relationship between two women and to the world within.


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Remnants and Recoveries: The Performance

Work ID: 67422

Description: A Space, Toronto (2003).

Remnants and Recoveries: the Performance is about traces and remnants, incorporating a history of memory, sensation and story representative of Artifacts' practice. Images, activities and objects represent touchstones to previous stories that mark moments from Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's past, present and future work.


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Remnants and Recoveries: The Performance

Work ID: 67420

Description: A Space, Toronto (2003).

Remnants and Recoveries: the Performance is about traces and remnants, incorporating a history of memory, sensation and story representative of Artifacts' practice. Images, activities and objects represent touchstones to previous stories that mark moments from Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee's past, present and future work.


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Work ID: 67426

Description: Performance and installation, Centre for Women's Studies in Education, OISE, University of Toronto (2006).

IN/VALID brings into question a range of perceptions around what is or is not valid in terms of women's art/research production, the historical perception of woman-as-invalid and being invalid as a person, and of treatments, valued as effective, for “women's” diseases. The making of this work has been a collaborative exploration of the many recorded and unrecorded statistics, statements, discussions and stories in health care by and for women. Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee have sifted this material through their own experiences with chronic/critical illnesses and cancer in the health care system. The assumed passivity of women is troubling as are the hidden agendas that fuel this assumption. Their process has been that of scrutiny - and of recovering that which has been discarded, left out, not used or rarely said.


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Work ID: 67424

Description: Performance and installation, Centre for Women's Studies in Education, OISE, University of Toronto (2006).

IN/VALID brings into question a range of perceptions around what is or is not valid in terms of women's art/research production, the historical perception of woman-as-invalid and being invalid as a person, and of treatments, valued as effective, for “women's” diseases. The making of this work has been a collaborative exploration of the many recorded and unrecorded statistics, statements, discussions and stories in health care by and for women. Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee have sifted this material through their own experiences with chronic/critical illnesses and cancer in the health care system. The assumed passivity of women is troubling as are the hidden agendas that fuel this assumption. Their process has been that of scrutiny - and of recovering that which has been discarded, left out, not used or rarely said.


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Work ID: 67425

Description: Performance and installation, Centre for Women's Studies in Education, OISE, University of Toronto (2006).

IN/VALID brings into question a range of perceptions around what is or is not valid in terms of women's art/research production, the historical perception of woman-as-invalid and being invalid as a person, and of treatments, valued as effective, for “women's” diseases. The making of this work has been a collaborative exploration of the many recorded and unrecorded statistics, statements, discussions and stories in health care by and for women. Pam Patterson and Leena Raudvee have sifted this material through their own experiences with chronic/critical illnesses and cancer in the health care system. The assumed passivity of women is troubling as are the hidden agendas that fuel this assumption. Their process has been that of scrutiny - and of recovering that which has been discarded, left out, not used or rarely said.


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