Ron Benner
Web Site Link: Web Site Link
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA
Country of Birth: Canada
Province of Birth: Ontario
Year of Birth: 1949
City: London
Country: Canada
Type of Creator: Artist
Gender: Male
Mediums: commission, earthwork, installation, photography, text-based
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Work by Ron Benner

As Dark As The Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid
Work ID: 54498
Collection: Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
Date Made: 1975-76
Materials: 6 black and white photo murals, tar
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

As Dark As The Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid
Work ID: 54496
Collection: Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
Date Made: 1975-76
Materials: 6 black and white photo murals, tar
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

As Dark As The Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid
Work ID: 54497
Collection: Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
Date Made: 1975-76
Materials: 6 black and white photo murals, tar
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

As Dark As The Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid
Work ID: 54495
Collection: Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
Date Made: 1975-76
Materials: 6 black and white photo murals, tar
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Asado: Through The Eyes of Young Sheep (Argentina)
Work ID: 54500
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1976-77
Materials: 6 black and white photo murals, blood, lamb hooves
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Asado: Through The Eyes of Young Sheep (Argentina)
Work ID: 54501
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1976-77
Materials: 6 black and white photo murals, blood, lamb hooves
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Asado: Through The Eyes of Young Sheep (Argentina)
Work ID: 54499
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1976-77
Materials: 6 black and white photo murals, blood, lamb hooves
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

And the Trees Grew Inwards – for Manuel Scorza
Work ID: 412
Description: Manuel Scorza was a Peruvian politician and author of the novels "Drums for Rancas" and "The Tomb of Lightning". Scorza was killed in a 1983 plane crash near Madrid which also took the lives of several other leading Latin American writers, Jorge Ibarguengoitia, Angel Rama and Marta Traba, all of whom were returning home after attending a writer's conference. The title of this work is from a line in Scorza's "The Tomb of Lightning-"...and the trees grew inwards and all was a desert." (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: 213.106 x 210.82 22.86 x 305.054 cm
Collection: Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Date Made: 1979-1980
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

And the Trees Grew Inwards – for Manuel Scorza (detail)
Work ID: 1953
Description: Manuel Scorza was a Peruvian politician and author of the novels "Drums for Rancas" and "The Tomb of Lightning". Scorza was killed in a 1983 plane crash near Madrid which also took the lives of several other leading Latin American writers, Jorge Ibarguengoitia, Angel Rama and Marta Traba, all of whom were returning home after attending a writer's conference. The title of this work is from a line in Scorza's "The Tomb of Lightning-"...and the trees grew inwards and all was a desert." (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: 213.106 x 210.82 22.86 x 305.054 cm
Collection: Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Date Made: 1979-1980
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Across The Line – in memory of Ruth First
Work ID: 54502
Collection: National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Date Made: 1984
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Across The Line – in memory of Ruth First
Work ID: 54503
Collection: National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Date Made: 1984
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Cuitlacoche – In Memory of Michel Foucault
Work ID: 413
Description: Michel Foucault was born in Poitiers, France, in 1926. He was a philosopher-historian, journalist, critic and traveller, and author of the The Order of Things, Madness and Civilization and Discipline and Punish - The Birth of the Prison. He died in Paris, June 25, 1984. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: 364.998 x 245.11 x 304.038 cm
Collection: McIntosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
Date Made: 1985
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA, wood

Cuitlacoche – in memory of Michael Foucault
Work ID: 54504
Collection: McIntosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
Date Made: 1985
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Cuitlacoche – In Memory of Michel Foucault (detail)
Work ID: 1954
Description: Michel Foucault was born in Poitiers, France, in 1926. He was a philosopher-historian, journalist, critic and traveller, and author of the The Order of Things, Madness and Civilization and Discipline and Punish - The Birth of the Prison. He died in Paris, June 25, 1984. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: 364.998 x 245.11 x 304.038 cm
Collection: McIntosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
Date Made: 1985
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Capital Remains
Work ID: 54507
Collection: Museum London, London, Ontario
Date Made: 1986-87
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Capital Remains
Work ID: 54505
Collection: Museum London, London, Ontario
Date Made: 1986-87
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Capital Remains
Work ID: 54506
Collection: Museum London, London, Ontario
Date Made: 1986-87
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Drought Simulation (detail)
Work ID: 1955
Description: The larger photographic mural is made from a photographic calender produced in 1980 by the Instituto de Pastoral Andina, Peru. The people in the photograph are from a Quechua farming cooperative near Cuzco. The two side murals were taken in the main supermarket in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The "hydroponic experiment" replicates an experiment carried out at the University of Guelph in 1988 where polyethylene glycol (8000)/anti-freeze simulates the effects of drought on potato plants. The collapsed pyramids of gold potatoes under the tables are commonly known as Idaho baking potatoes. Over 2000 different kinds of potatoes have been grown in the Andes of South America for over 5000 years. The woven alforja saddle bag was brought from an andean farmer in 1979. It originally contained potatoes. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: 244.094 x 305.054 x 305.054 cm
Date Made: 1988-1991
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Drought Simulation
Work ID: 414
Description: The larger photographic mural is made from a photographic calender produced in 1980 by the Instituto de Pastoral Andina, Peru. The people in the photograph are from a Quechua farming cooperative near Cuzco. The two side murals were taken in the main supermarket in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The "hydroponic experiment" replicates an experiment carried out at the University of Guelph in 1988 where polyethylene glycol (8000)/anti-freeze simulates the effects of drought on potato plants. The collapsed pyramids of gold potatoes under the tables are commonly known as Idaho baking potatoes. Over 2000 different kinds of potatoes have been grown in the Andes of South America for over 5000 years. The woven alforja saddle bag was brought from an andean farmer in 1979. It originally contained potatoes. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: 244.094 x 305.054 x 305.054 cm
Date Made: 1988-1991
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Chateauguay / Thanksgiving
Work ID: 54511
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1990-92
Materials: 5 black and white photo murals, maize, maize kernels and powder, spent ammunition
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Chateauguay / Thanksgiving
Work ID: 54510
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1990-92
Materials: 5 black and white photo murals, maize, maize kernels and powder, spent ammunition
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Chateauguay / Thanksgiving
Work ID: 54508
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1990-92
Materials: 5 black and white photo murals, maize, maize kernels and powder, spent ammunition
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Chateauguay / Thanksgiving
Work ID: 54509
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1990-92
Materials: 5 black and white photo murals, maize, maize kernels and powder, spent ammunition
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Thanksgiving (detail 1 of 2)
Work ID: 1956
Description: The central image was taken by Robert Frechette during the 'Oka crisis', summer 1990. The Quebec police are being pelted with corn cobs and other vegetables by people from Chateauguay, Quebec, who were protesting against the Mohawk blockades. They had broken into a produce truck which was in the process of fuelling at a Petro-Canada service station. The two adjacent images are from historical paintings of Thanksgiving motifs. The two outside photographic murals are an enlarged detail from the left-hand corner of the painting 'The Death of Wolfe' (1771) by Benjamin West. The detail on the right has been reversed. The Mohawks did not participate in the Battle of Quebec. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: variable
Date Made: 1991-1994
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Thanksgiving (detail 2 of 2)
Work ID: 1957
Description: The central image was taken by Robert Frechette during the 'Oka crisis', summer 1990. The Quebec police are being pelted with corn cobs and other vegetables by people from Chateauguay, Quebec, who were protesting against the Mohawk blockades. They had broken into a produce truck which was in the process of fuelling at a Petro-Canada service station. The two adjacent images are from historical paintings of Thanksgiving motifs. The two outside photographic murals are an enlarged detail from the left-hand corner of the painting 'The Death of Wolfe' (1771) by Benjamin West. The detail on the right has been reversed. The Mohawks did not participate in the Battle of Quebec. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: variable
Date Made: 1991-1994
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Thanksgiving
Work ID: 415
Description: The central image was taken by Robert Frechette during the 'Oka crisis', summer 1990. The Quebec police are being pelted with corn cobs and other vegetables by people from Chateauguay, Quebec, who were protesting against the Mohawk blockades. They had broken into a produce truck which was in the process of fuelling at a Petro-Canada service station. The two adjacent images are from historical paintings of Thanksgiving motifs. The two outside photographic murals are an enlarged detail from the left-hand corner of the painting 'The Death of Wolfe' (1771) by Benjamin West. The detail on the right has been reversed. The Mohawks did not participate in the Battle of Quebec. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: variable
Date Made: 1991-1994
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

In Digestion (view 7 of 7)
Work ID: 1964
Description: A backward journey from London, Ontario to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico and Immokalee, Florida, United States - the sources of two cardboard vegetable boxes originally containing bell peppers. The large photographic mural of a Sonoran Pinacate shell trail was taken by Julian D. Hayden of Tucson, Arizona. Hayden has studied the trails leading from mexico to the southwestern United States for decades. He estimates this trail to be 70,000 to 120,000 years old. The sea shell and corn kernel necklaces were made by Jessica Doxtator, Oneida Nation. The unprocessed white corn was a gift of Delaware Nation food Products Inc., Moraviantown, Ontario. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1992-1995
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

In Digestion (view 5 of 7)
Work ID: 1962
Description: A backward journey from London, Ontario to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico and Immokalee, Florida, United States - the sources of two cardboard vegetable boxes originally containing bell peppers. The large photographic mural of a Sonoran Pinacate shell trail was taken by Julian D. Hayden of Tucson, Arizona. Hayden has studied the trails leading from mexico to the southwestern United States for decades. He estimates this trail to be 70,000 to 120,000 years old. The sea shell and corn kernel necklaces were made by Jessica Doxtator, Oneida Nation. The unprocessed white corn was a gift of Delaware Nation food Products Inc., Moraviantown, Ontario. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1992-1995
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

In Digestion (view 2 of 7)
Work ID: 1959
Description: A backward journey from London, Ontario to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico and Immokalee, Florida, United States - the sources of two cardboard vegetable boxes originally containing bell peppers. The large photographic mural of a Sonoran Pinacate shell trail was taken by Julian D. Hayden of Tucson, Arizona. Hayden has studied the trails leading from mexico to the southwestern United States for decades. He estimates this trail to be 70,000 to 120,000 years old. The sea shell and corn kernel necklaces were made by Jessica Doxtator, Oneida Nation. The unprocessed white corn was a gift of Delaware Nation food Products Inc., Moraviantown, Ontario. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1992-1995
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

In Digestion (view 3 of 7)
Work ID: 1960
Description: A backward journey from London, Ontario to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico and Immokalee, Florida, United States - the sources of two cardboard vegetable boxes originally containing bell peppers. The large photographic mural of a Sonoran Pinacate shell trail was taken by Julian D. Hayden of Tucson, Arizona. Hayden has studied the trails leading from mexico to the southwestern United States for decades. He estimates this trail to be 70,000 to 120,000 years old. The sea shell and corn kernel necklaces were made by Jessica Doxtator, Oneida Nation. The unprocessed white corn was a gift of Delaware Nation food Products Inc., Moraviantown, Ontario. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1992-1995
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

In Digestion (view 1 of 7)
Work ID: 418
Description: A backward journey from London, Ontario to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico and Immokalee, Florida, United States - the sources of two cardboard vegetable boxes originally containing bell peppers. The large photographic mural of a Sonoran Pinacate shell trail was taken by Julian D. Hayden of Tucson, Arizona. Hayden has studied the trails leading from mexico to the southwestern United States for decades. He estimates this trail to be 70,000 to 120,000 years old. The sea shell and corn kernel necklaces were made by Jessica Doxtator, Oneida Nation. The unprocessed white corn was a gift of Delaware Nation food Products Inc., Moraviantown, Ontario. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1992-1995
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

In Digestion (view 6 of 7)
Work ID: 1963
Description: A backward journey from London, Ontario to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico and Immokalee, Florida, United States - the sources of two cardboard vegetable boxes originally containing bell peppers. The large photographic mural of a Sonoran Pinacate shell trail was taken by Julian D. Hayden of Tucson, Arizona. Hayden has studied the trails leading from mexico to the southwestern United States for decades. He estimates this trail to be 70,000 to 120,000 years old. The sea shell and corn kernel necklaces were made by Jessica Doxtator, Oneida Nation. The unprocessed white corn was a gift of Delaware Nation food Products Inc., Moraviantown, Ontario. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1992-1995
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

In Digestion (view 4 of 7)
Work ID: 1961
Description: A backward journey from London, Ontario to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico and Immokalee, Florida, United States - the sources of two cardboard vegetable boxes originally containing bell peppers. The large photographic mural of a Sonoran Pinacate shell trail was taken by Julian D. Hayden of Tucson, Arizona. Hayden has studied the trails leading from mexico to the southwestern United States for decades. He estimates this trail to be 70,000 to 120,000 years old. The sea shell and corn kernel necklaces were made by Jessica Doxtator, Oneida Nation. The unprocessed white corn was a gift of Delaware Nation food Products Inc., Moraviantown, Ontario. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1992-1995
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

All That Has Value
Work ID: 54512
Description: Harbourfront, Toronto, Ontario. Presently installed at Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario.
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1993-2003
Materials: billboard / garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

All That Has Value
Work ID: 54514
Description: Harbourfront, Toronto, Ontario. Presently installed at Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario.
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1993-2003
Materials: billboard / garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

All That Has Value
Work ID: 54515
Description: Harbourfront, Toronto, Ontario. Presently installed at Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario.
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1993-2003
Materials: billboard / garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

All That Has Value
Work ID: 54513
Description: Harbourfront, Toronto, Ontario. Presently installed at Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario.
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1993-2003
Materials: billboard / garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: All That Has Value (detail)
Work ID: 1958
Description: The colours indigo and cochineal are both native to the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Previous to the invention of synthetic dyes they were major trade items, the red coats of the British military and the red robes of Cardinal Richelieu being two well-known historical examples. Cochineal has once more regained its value as a non-carcinogenic red for simulated crab and lobster meat. During the 18th and 19th centuries, indigo was one of the main exports if the Carolinas and is now regaining its former title as the king of the dyes. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: 244.094 x 366.014 x 60.96 cm
Date Made: 1994-1995
Materials: indigo, cochineal, watercolour paper, half table, black and white photograph
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: All That Has Value
Work ID: 416
Description: The colours indigo and cochineal are both native to the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Previous to the invention of synthetic dyes they were major trade items, the red coats of the British military and the red robes of Cardinal Richelieu being two well-known historical examples. Cochineal has once more regained its value as a non-carcinogenic red for simulated crab and lobster meat. During the 18th and 19th centuries, indigo was one of the main exports if the Carolinas and is now regaining its former title as the king of the dyes. (From exhibition catalogue "All That Has Value", McIntosh Gallery et al, 1995/96.)
Measurements: 244.094 x 366.014 x 60.96 cm
Date Made: 1994-1995
Materials: indigo, cochineal, watercolour paper, half table, black and white photograph
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Corn Vessels
Work ID: 54519
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1994-96
Materials: cochineal and indigo on watercolour paper, maize, clay pots, soil, dyed yarn
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Corn Vessels
Work ID: 54518
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1994-96
Materials: cochineal and indigo on watercolour paper, maize, clay pots, soil, dyed yarn
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Corn Vessels
Work ID: 54516
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1994-96
Materials: cochineal and indigo on watercolour paper, maize, clay pots, soil, dyed yarn
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Corn Vessels
Work ID: 54517
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1994-96
Materials: cochineal and indigo on watercolour paper, maize, clay pots, soil, dyed yarn
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

The Commodification of Life
Work ID: 54520
Description: Presently installed at the 401 Richmond Street Building, Toronto, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1995-96
Materials: 6 colour photo murals, vinyl lettering
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

The Commodification of Life
Work ID: 54527
Description: Presently installed at the 401 Richmond Street Building, Toronto, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1995-96
Materials: 6 colour photo murals, vinyl lettering
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

The Commodification of Life
Work ID: 54521
Description: Presently installed at the 401 Richmond Street Building, Toronto, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1995-96
Materials: 6 colour photo murals, vinyl lettering
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

The Commodification of Life
Work ID: 54522
Description: Presently installed at the 401 Richmond Street Building, Toronto, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1995-96
Materials: 6 colour photo murals, vinyl lettering
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

The Commodification of Life
Work ID: 54525
Description: Presently installed at the 401 Richmond Street Building, Toronto, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1995-96
Materials: 6 colour photo murals, vinyl lettering
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

The Commodification of Life
Work ID: 54524
Description: Presently installed at the 401 Richmond Street Building, Toronto, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1995-96
Materials: 6 colour photo murals, vinyl lettering
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

The Commodification of Life
Work ID: 54523
Description: Presently installed at the 401 Richmond Street Building, Toronto, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1995-96
Materials: 6 colour photo murals, vinyl lettering
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

The Commodification of Life
Work ID: 54526
Description: Presently installed at the 401 Richmond Street Building, Toronto, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1995-96
Materials: 6 colour photo murals, vinyl lettering
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Corn Vectors (detail 3 of 4)
Work ID: 3451
Description: Photographs: Peru, Ontario, India, Vietnam, China. Plant Material: Open-pollinated corn (Rainbow Inca, Black Aztec, Oaxacan Green, Peruvian Purple, Iroquoian White), Mexican Marigolds, Zinnias, Dahlias, and other native-American economic plants. Vector: L., carrier, from vehere, to carry, p.p., vectus. Da Gama: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1498 A.D. Cabral: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1500 A.D. via modern-day Brazil. Corn: Gramineae/Zea/Zea mays L./Maiz/Mà-hoz (Arawak)/Native to Peru, Mexico and Tropical America/Remains in association with cultural deposits - 7000 years before present. Installed at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. An ArtLab/Visual Arts Department Project curated by Barbara Fischer.
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1996-1997
Materials: black and white photographs, corn and various native-American plants
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Corn Vectors (detail 1 of 4)
Work ID: 3449
Description: Photographs: Peru, Ontario, India, Vietnam, China. Plant Material: Open-pollinated corn (Rainbow Inca, Black Aztec, Oaxacan Green, Peruvian Purple, Iroquoian White), Mexican Marigolds, Zinnias, Dahlias, and other native-American economic plants. Vector: L., carrier, from vehere, to carry, p.p., vectus. Da Gama: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1498 A.D. Cabral: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1500 A.D. via modern-day Brazil. Corn: Gramineae/Zea/Zea mays L./Maiz/Mà-hoz (Arawak)/Native to Peru, Mexico and Tropical America/Remains in association with cultural deposits - 7000 years before present. Installed at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. An ArtLab/Visual Arts Department Project curated by Barbara Fischer.
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1996-1997
Materials: black and white photographs, corn and various native-American plants
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Corn Vectors (detail 4 of 4)
Work ID: 3452
Description: Photographs: Peru, Ontario, India, Vietnam, China. Plant Material: Open-pollinated corn (Rainbow Inca, Black Aztec, Oaxacan Green, Peruvian Purple, Iroquoian White), Mexican Marigolds, Zinnias, Dahlias, and other native-American economic plants. Vector: L., carrier, from vehere, to carry, p.p., vectus. Da Gama: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1498 A.D. Cabral: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1500 A.D. via modern-day Brazil. Corn: Gramineae/Zea/Zea mays L./Maiz/Mà-hoz (Arawak)/Native to Peru, Mexico and Tropical America/Remains in association with cultural deposits - 7000 years before present. Installed at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. An ArtLab/Visual Arts Department Project curated by Barbara Fischer.
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1996-1997
Materials: black and white photographs, corn and various native-American plants
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Corn Vectors (detail 2 of 4)
Work ID: 3450
Description: Photographs: Peru, Ontario, India, Vietnam, China. Plant Material: Open-pollinated corn (Rainbow Inca, Black Aztec, Oaxacan Green, Peruvian Purple, Iroquoian White), Mexican Marigolds, Zinnias, Dahlias, and other native-American economic plants. Vector: L., carrier, from vehere, to carry, p.p., vectus. Da Gama: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1498 A.D. Cabral: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1500 A.D. via modern-day Brazil. Corn: Gramineae/Zea/Zea mays L./Maiz/Mà-hoz (Arawak)/Native to Peru, Mexico and Tropical America/Remains in association with cultural deposits - 7000 years before present. Installed at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. An ArtLab/Visual Arts Department Project curated by Barbara Fischer.
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1996-1997
Materials: black and white photographs, corn and various native-American plants
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Corn Vectors
Work ID: 3448
Description: Photographs: Peru, Ontario, India, Vietnam, China. Plant Material: Open-pollinated corn (Rainbow Inca, Black Aztec, Oaxacan Green, Peruvian Purple, Iroquoian White), Mexican Marigolds, Zinnias, Dahlias, and other native-American economic plants. Vector: L., carrier, from vehere, to carry, p.p., vectus. Da Gama: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1498 A.D. Cabral: Portuguese merchant mariner. India landfall 1500 A.D. via modern-day Brazil. Corn: Gramineae/Zea/Zea mays L./Maiz/Mà-hoz (Arawak)/Native to Peru, Mexico and Tropical America/Remains in association with cultural deposits - 7000 years before present. Installed at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. An ArtLab/Visual Arts Department Project curated by Barbara Fischer.
Measurements: dimensions variable
Date Made: 1996-1997
Materials: black and white photographs, corn and various native-American plants
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Vectors
Work ID: 54537
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1997-02
Materials: mixed media, photographic installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Vectors
Work ID: 54542
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1997-02
Materials: mixed media, photographic installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Vectors
Work ID: 54540
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1997-02
Materials: mixed media, photographic installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Vectors
Work ID: 54539
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1997-02
Materials: mixed media, photographic installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Vectors
Work ID: 54541
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1997-02
Materials: mixed media, photographic installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Vectors
Work ID: 54536
Collection: artist
Date Made: 1997-02
Materials: mixed media, photographic installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: African Vectors
Work ID: 54532
Description: Gairloch Gardens, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2000-02
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: African Vectors
Work ID: 54533
Description: Gairloch Gardens, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2000-02
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: African Vectors
Work ID: 54530
Description: Gairloch Gardens, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2000-02
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: African Vectors
Work ID: 54528
Description: Gairloch Gardens, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2000-02
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: African Vectors
Work ID: 54534
Description: Gairloch Gardens, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2000-02
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: African Vectors
Work ID: 54529
Description: Gairloch Gardens, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2000-02
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: African Vectors
Work ID: 54535
Description: Gairloch Gardens, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2000-02
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: African Vectors
Work ID: 54531
Description: Gairloch Gardens, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2000-02
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54547
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54546
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54552
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54551
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54548
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54554
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54543
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54549
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54545
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54550
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Still Life
Work ID: 54553
Description: Grosvenor Lodge, London, Ontario
Collection: artist
Date Made: 2004
Materials: photographic /garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71338
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71325
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71342
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71339
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71331
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71327
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71326
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71336
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71334
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71337
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71328
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71330
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71329
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71332
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71335
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71340
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71341
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71333
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA

Trans/mission: Blé d’Inde
Work ID: 71324
Description: Mixed media photographic/garden installation [17 black & white photographic murals (India & Peru), 61 x 61 cm each, mounted on black Cintra; steel and wood support structure, spruce trellis with an image of the Taj Mahal; oil stains, 2 plastic and steel information markers; soil, manure, garden of native American plants (Purple Peruvian maize, Choclo Serrano, Iroquoian Rainbow maize, Gaspé Flint, Marvel of Peru, Marigold and Morning Glory)].
Location: AXENÉO7, Gatineau, Québec.
Exhibition: Trans/mission: Blé d'Inde. Curator: Hannah Claus.
Photography: David Barbour.
Measurements: overall/ensemble: 11 m x 252 cm x 518 cm
Date Made: 2008
Materials: mixed media photographic/garden installation
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA