Base de données du CACC sur l'art canadien

Johanna Householder

Johanna Householder est une artiste de performance canadienne d'origine américaine. Depuis la fin des années 1970, Householder réalise des performances et des vidéos tout en écrivant et en éditant des textes sur l'art de la performance au Canada. Dans les années 1980, Householder, Louise Garfield et Janice Hladki étaient membres de l'ensemble de performance féministe The Clichettes, utilisant la synchronisation labiale et l'humour pour critiquer la culture contemporaine. Les Clichettes sont considérées comme « la quintessence des Bad Girls de la performance canadienne des années 70 » et ont été qualifiées de « dangereusement et agressivement drôles » par Clive Robertson. Elle continue de créer des performances basées sur l'humour et la satire, notamment Sur le sujet de l'art, basé sur un texte d'Alain Badiou, Performance Festivals redux, et Portrait of a Situation, qui a été joué à Helsinki, Valparaiso, Chili, Budapest, Bratislava et Cluj, Roumanie. Householder a contribué à la fondation de Danceworks et du Women's Cultural Building dans les années 80, ainsi que du Festival international des arts de la performance 7a*11d en 1997. Householder est professeur au programme de médias intégrés de la Faculté des arts de l'Université OCAD, où elle est actuellement présidente du programme de critique et de pratique curatoriale.
Creator Id: 287
Social Media Link: Social Media Link
Collection virtuelle : Original CCCA
Country of Birth: USA
Year of Birth: 1949
Ville : Toronto
Pays : Canada
Type of Creator: Artiste, Writer
Genre : Female
Médiums : performance, basé sur du texte
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Oeuvre d'art par Johanna Householder


ID : 58634

Description: Presented in G.R.I.D., a series of site-specific works for the Festival of Women in the Arts. Photo: Terry McGlade


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ID : 58633

Description: Presented in G.R.I.D., a series of site-specific works for the Festival of Women in the Arts. Photo: Terry McGlade


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ID : 58632

Description: Presented in G.R.I.D., a series of site-specific works for the Festival of Women in the Arts. Photo: Terry McGlade


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ID : 58636

Description: A site work looking at the parameters of pedestrian movement. Bloor St., Toronto, Ontario.


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ID : 58635

Description: A site work looking at the parameters of pedestrian movement. Bloor St., Toronto, Ontario.


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Later That Same Year

ID : 58637

Description: Performed at A Space, Toronto and at La Mamelle, San Francisco. Photo: Bobbe Besold. Copyright: Johanna Householder and Janice Hladki


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Later That Same Year

ID : 58638

Description: Performed at A Space, Toronto and at La Mamelle, San Francisco. Photo: Bobbe Besold. Copyright: Johanna Householder and Janice Hladki


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The Secret Life of Sgt. Preston

ID : 58641

Description: Photo: Art Gallery of Ontario


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The Secret Life of Sgt. Preston

ID : 58639

Description: Photo: Art Gallery of Ontario


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The Secret Life of Sgt. Preston

ID : 58642

Description: Photo: Art Gallery of Ontario


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Rötten Kunst

ID : 58644

Description: A collaboration with Frances Leeming, George Manupelli, and Eugenio Tellez. The Music Gallery, Toronto, Ontario


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Rötten Kunst

ID : 58643

Description: A collaboration with Frances Leeming, George Manupelli, and Eugenio Tellez. The Music Gallery, Toronto, Ontario


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The Secret Life of Sgt. Preston

ID : 58640

Description: Photo: Art Gallery of Ontario


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Half-Human, Half-Heartache

ID : 58646

Description: The first feature-length performance by The Clichettes (Louise Garfield, Janice Hladki and Johanna Householder). Photo: David Cooper


Date de réalisation :

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Half-Human, Half-Heartache

ID : 58647

Description: The first feature-length performance by The Clichettes (Louise Garfield, Janice Hladki and Johanna Householder). Photo: David Cooper


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Half-Human, Half-Heartache

ID : 58645

Description: The first feature-length performance by The Clichettes (Louise Garfield, Janice Hladki and Johanna Householder). Photo: David Cooper


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Home on the RageIf You Lived Here You’d Be Home NowSee Home Run

ID : 58648

Description: A trilogy of works investigating the elision of body and home, vulnerability, and colonialism. Mercer Union, Hart House, and 80 Langton St., San Francisco.


Date de réalisation :

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Home on the RageIf You Lived Here You’d Be Home NowSee Home Run

ID : 58651

Description: A trilogy of works investigating the elision of body and home, vulnerability, and colonialism. Mercer Union, Hart House, and 80 Langton St., San Francisco.


Date de réalisation :

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Home on the RageIf You Lived Here You’d Be Home NowSee Home Run

ID : 58649

Description: A trilogy of works investigating the elision of body and home, vulnerability, and colonialism. Mercer Union, Hart House, and 80 Langton St., San Francisco.


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Home on the RageIf You Lived Here You’d Be Home NowSee Home Run

ID : 58650

Description: A trilogy of works investigating the elision of body and home, vulnerability, and colonialism. Mercer Union, Hart House, and 80 Langton St., San Francisco.


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The Difference Between What One Thinks and What One Does

ID : 58653


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The Difference Between What One Thinks and What One Does

ID : 58652


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The Other Other

ID : 58655

Description: With David Smith


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The Other Other

ID : 58654

Description: With David Smith


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Out for Blood

ID : 58658

Description: The Clichettes
Louise Garfield as Medusa, Janice Hladki as Bernardine Dohrn (the founder of the Weather Underground) and Johanna Householder as The Bad Seed, (the murderous little girl from eponymous film noir classic.)


Date de réalisation :

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Out for Blood

ID : 58656

Description: The Clichettes
Louise Garfield as Medusa, Janice Hladki as Bernardine Dohrn (the founder of the Weather Underground) and Johanna Householder as The Bad Seed, (the murderous little girl from eponymous film noir classic.)


Date de réalisation :

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Out for Blood

ID : 58657

Description: The Clichettes
Louise Garfield as Medusa, Janice Hladki as Bernardine Dohrn (the founder of the Weather Underground) and Johanna Householder as The Bad Seed, (the murderous little girl from eponymous film noir classic.)


Date de réalisation :

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Out for Blood

ID : 58659

Description: The Clichettes
Louise Garfield as Medusa, Janice Hladki as Bernardine Dohrn (the founder of the Weather Underground) and Johanna Householder as The Bad Seed, (the murderous little girl from eponymous film noir classic.)


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ID : 58662

Description: Installation viewed by robotic presence. The Toronto Cybercity Project and The Electric Skin. Organized by Graham Smith.


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ID : 58660

Description: Installation viewed by robotic presence. The Toronto Cybercity Project and The Electric Skin. Organized by Graham Smith.


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ID : 58661

Description: Installation viewed by robotic presence. The Toronto Cybercity Project and The Electric Skin. Organized by Graham Smith.


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Bad Seed TV

ID : 58665

Description: Webcast and teleconferenced cross-country check-up.


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ID : 58668

Description: With Carmen Householder-Pedari. The first 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art. Photo: Louise Liliefeldt


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ID : 58667

Description: With Carmen Householder-Pedari. The first 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art. Photo: Louise Liliefeldt


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Bad Seed TV

ID : 58664

Description: Webcast and teleconferenced cross-country check-up.


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ID : 58669

Description: With Carmen Householder-Pedari. The first 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art. Photo: Louise Liliefeldt


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ID : 58666

Description: With Carmen Householder-Pedari. The first 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art. Photo: Louise Liliefeldt


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Bad Seed TV

ID : 58663

Description: Webcast and teleconferenced cross-country check-up.


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Last Year at Marienbad: the missing scenes

ID : 58670

Description: With Carmen Householder-Pedari


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Last Year at Marienbad: the missing scenes

ID : 58671

Description: With Carmen Householder-Pedari


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