Michelle Kasprzak
Web Site Link: Web Site Link
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Type of Creator: Artist
Gender: Female
Mediums: digital, performance, photography, sculpture, video
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Work by Michelle Kasprzak
Work ID: 49199
Description: 2001 [1 min. 45 sec.]
[performance documentation]
Performance parameters:
1. two performers
2. live video mixing
3. the projection
4. the screen
5. the DJ
A series of internet searches is conducted, using the five performance parameters as search terms. These searches are the visual research that the performance gestures and set design is based on.
Each performer creates a performance environment in front of a video camera, and each performance is being projected in the space, with the projectors pointed at each other.
Guests are invited to wear portable screens, and step between the two video projector beams. The movement of the guests creates a constantly evolving image.
Website: Stereotactic
Production Centre: InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto.
Collaborator: Michelle Teran
Past Presentations: Mercer Union, Toronto, August, 2001
Supported by: The Ontario Arts Council
Date Made:
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA
Work ID: 49198
Description: 2002 [1 min. 8 sec. / excerpt: 4 min. 25 sec.]
[performance documentation]
With Immaterial, Michelle Kasprzak explores the frontiers of 3D visualization, video and live performance. Kasprzak integrates digital video loops with 3D objects being animated and textured in real time.
The objects appear to be responding to the movements of the video character (Kasprzak), but it is not immediately apparent which is initiating the interaction: the character, the objects, or both. Notions of actual time and retransmissions are then questioned, and the artist herself has to confront this inversion of time by re-enacting the exact initial movements in order to maintain the integrity of the image.
Upon closer inspection, the audience slowly realizes that their initial assumption, which is that a live video is responding to pre-rendered digitised elements, is false. The performer is in the physical performance space, live, but her representation on the screen is not live. The video character is a loop, an echo of the real person at the computer. The essence of the performance is the harmonization of real time 3D graphics and a video representation of the artist.
With the palette of 3D objects transforming in real time, Kasprzak attempts to respond to and trace her past movements. "Immaterial" is Kasprzak's conversation with her video persona in 3 dimensions.
Website: Immaterial
Production Centre: InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto.
Past Presentations:
Lecture/demo at DigiFest, a digital media festival hosted by the Design Exchange. March 21, 2002, Toronto, Canada.
Beta test at the e-lounge of the New Media in Canada conference. December 2, 2001, Ottawa, Canada.
Date Made:
Materials: video
Virtual Collection: Original CCCA